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Vladarg Delsat

Fiction writer, member of the Russian Writers' Union since 2019, Children's Doctor.
Author not only describes important historical events, but also provides a profound rationale for how we can embrace our destiny and overcome difficulties through stories in his books
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    About me
    Vladarg Delsat was born on 2 June 1974 in the USSR. Barely learning to read, he fell in love with travelling through literary worlds
    A love of quality fiction was one day transformed into a desire to create your own worlds. That means to write books and share his own stories with people. But far Vladarg didn t always know that one day he would become a writer.
    As a young man he attended a maths school. Technical subjects were good and interesting to him, but not enough to get him into a university. The future writer wanted to make the most of it. Where was the best place to do  in medicine, of course. Medicine, of course.
    After obtaining his medical degree, Vladarg went into practice. For a time he was a military medic. Later he changed his specialisation and took up paediatrics
    The first time Vladarg tried his hand as a writer was in 1998, when his eldest daughter was born.
    Inspiration was born from an overabundance of emotion. Then he started inventing lullabies for the baby. In 2011 the author's debut book "A Lullaby for a Mouse" was published by Magenta Publishers in Smolensk.
    I started prose much later, in 2020. I started with fanfics. At that time, I saw creativity solely as an opportunity to vent my emotions
    The first independent works were Meidele and The Little Girl. Vladarg Delsat officially entered adult literature in 2023 and immediately# published several landmark works on Litres
    Vladarg now lives in Germany and works as a paediatrician. He s the father of three beautiful daughters whom he loves with all his heart
    Колыбельная Мышке
    День кончается, Мышка устала,
    Сон ее уж в кроватку зовет,
    Ночь на ушко ей что-то шептала,
    Скоро в сказку она уплывет.

    Сон дочурки дракон охраняет,
    И пегас ее мчит над землей,
    Крыльями облака разгоняет,
    В небесах проплывая ладьей.

    Спи же сладко принцесса-малышка,
    Завтра день снова примет тебя,
    Уж заснули гитара и книжка,
    Руки мамы погладят любя...

    Засыпай, засыпай поскорее,
    Глазки сонно свои закрывай,
    Фея снов и дворецкий в ливрее,
    Пропоют "баю-бай, баю-бай"...
    In his free time away from work and family responsibilities, he writes a lot. Sharing his dreams and creative plans, Vladarg says: "I want to write a hundred books, show Livesey the language and retire.
    Those are my plans. And dreams... The main thing is that the youngest daughter doesn't need a wheelchair and that the eldest can get out of it.

    Vladarg Delsat

    Author's official website
